Monday, March 10, 2008

Queens: Bagel Bus Stop Tix Trap

This parking ticket trap must be the most diabolical trap I have ever heard or seen. Reminds me of the infamous tix trap where the NYC DOT had planted a parking meter inside 15 feet of a fire hydrant.

This trap is five parking meters on one half of a short commercial street. But it's also an Express QM1A bus stop (7am to 9am, Mon. to Fri.). My church member Dave P. tipped me off to it ("Thank you, Dave.").

This past Sun. afternoon I went there and took photos of the trap.
Photos of the "Bagel Bus Stop Tix Trap" online at

It's in Queens. The street is on 73rd Ave. between Bell Blvd. and 215th Street. Half of the street, starting from Bell Blvd., is a regular bus stop (Q75, Q88, & QM1A) without any parking meters. The other half of the street has five parking meters, ending at 215th Street.

In the morning, an unsuspecting driver parks at one of the meters, pays the meter, then goes into the Bagel Shoppe to get a bagel and coffee. But, when he comes back to his vehicle, he finds a $115 summons for illegally parking in a "No Standing" zone. Because this half of the street is also an Express QM1A bus stop from 7am to 9am, Mon. to Fri. All NYC bus stops are "No Standing" zones.

The City of NY loves "No Standing" tickets. They are a huge money-maker. Combined with the fact that the NYC DOF has a "No Mercy" policy for "No Standing" tickets. Even if a driver decides to fight his "No Standing" tix, the Dept. of Fraud will eventually get its due.

In regards to the other side of the story, that is the logic of the NYC Dept. of Transportation behind the parking meters/express bus stop combo. I will make an attempt to get their side of the story. I don't expect to get a response. I will keep you up to date.

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